MIRS Articles Of Note

Republicans Spend Heavy In MI-7, MI-8; Dems Do In M-10, M-3

07/01/24 04:14 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Republicans Spend Heavy In MI-7, MI-8; Dems Do In M-10, M-3
The National Republican Congressional Committee announced its first wave of ad reservations for the 2024 election cycle, a $45.7 million investment that includes $2.733 million for the open 7th Congressional District.

Incumbent Defeats Rare, But Not Unheard Of

07/01/24 04:01 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Incumbent Defeats Rare, But Not Unheard Of
While the number of state House incumbent upsets during both primaries and general elections has varied across election cycles, generally no more than six incumbents have been unseated per election cycle, a MIRS analysis of election day results from 2022 back to 1998 found.

Senate Dems OK Giving EGLE Rule-Making Authority Over Water Pollution

06/28/24 01:23 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Senate Dems OK Giving EGLE Rule-Making Authority Over Water Pollution
The state's Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) would have more rule-making authority over regulating pollution in Michigan's surface and underground waters, under legislation approved by Senate Democrats on Wednesday, revoking a piece of statute dating back to the early 2000’s.

ACLU Suit Challenges Michigan's Ban On Medicaid Funding Abortions

06/28/24 01:23 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
ACLU Suit Challenges Michigan's Ban On Medicaid Funding Abortions
A new lawsuit filed Thursday challenges Michigan’s ban on Medicaid-funded abortions, arguing the law violates the constitutional right to reproductive freedom that voters enshrined in the Constitution in November 2022.

Bills Give Warehouses, Distribution Centers Tax Cuts For Repurposing Industrial Sites

06/26/24 03:12 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Bills Give Warehouses, Distribution Centers Tax Cuts For Repurposing Industrial Sites
Warehouse operations could be exempted from certain property taxes if they choose to develop on old industrial sites, rehabilitating and re-purposing sometimes "long-abandoned" factories and plants, under bills approved by the Senate Tuesday.