Blog tagged as Health Care
Rep. Jason Morgan (D-Ann Arbor) is pushing for the Rare Disease Advisory Council to be a priority in the Senate this lame-duck session.
Hospitals Would Offer IUDs To Women Immediately After Birth Under New Bill
09/27/24 12:41 PM - Comment(s)
Hospitals would need to stock up on IUDs – or T-shaped birth control that's inserted into the uterus – to offer to women immediately after they give birth, under legislation considered Thursday by the Senate Health Policy Committee.
Trump Promises Free IVF Treatment In Potterville
08/30/24 11:42 AM - Comment(s)
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump announced a promise for free in vitro fertilization (IVF) as a part of his pro-family agenda during a campaign stop at a Potterville steel plant.
Senate Dems Want Expanded Contraception Insurance Coverage
08/02/24 01:03 PM - Comment(s)
This week, Sens. Mary Cavanagh (D-Redford Twp.) and Jeff Irwin (D-Ann Arbor) introduced the “Freedom to Plan Act,” a bill package that would require both Medicaid and private insurers to provide coverage for oral hormonal and emergency contraception - with or without a prescription.
Homecare Unionization Bills Include Council To Help
07/08/24 04:36 PM - Comment(s)
Homecare providers compensated through Michigan's Medicaid system could unionize under bills approved by the Senate last month. Also, the legislation creates the "Home Help Caregiver Council," overseeing payroll deductions for union fees.
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