Blog tagged as Pharma
Senate Votes To Strip Liability Immunity Law
10/19/23 01:13 PM - Comment(s)
The Senate approved, 30-8, legislation stripping pharmaceutical manufacturers of their 28-year-old immunity from product-liability damages for U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved drugs.
Ending Drug Immunity Gets Unanimous Committee Support
10/13/23 12:49 PM - Comment(s)
A bill that ends immunity from liability for drug manufacturers and sellers if their product is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was voted unanimously out of the Senate Civil Rights, Judiciary and Public Safety Committee.
Vaccinations Drop Opening Door Wider For 3 Seasonal Diseases; Dormant Diseases
10/11/23 12:46 PM - Comment(s)
Fewer children are receiving their routine vaccinations today than before the COVID-19 pandemic, opening the door to three seasonal diseases coming down the pike and dormant diseases that modern society hasn't dealt with, according to the Department of Health and Human Services.
Rolling Back Prescription Costs Could Be Brinks' Signature Policy Priority
06/02/23 01:24 PM - Comment(s)
(Source:, Published 06/01/2023) (MACKINAC ISLAND) – When asked what could be the signature policy issue she takes on in her high-ranking leadership post, Senate Majority Leader Winnie Brinks (D-Grand Rapids) pointed to reducing prescription drug costs.
Licensed pharmacists in Michigan would be permitted to continue ordering and administering vaccines to individuals 2.5-years-old and over without a physician's oversight, under legislation
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