Blog tagged as Auto Insurance
Tate Wants Additional Savings Tied Into Auto Insurance Reform
05/07/24 01:01 PM - Comment(s)
House Speaker Joe Tate (D-Detroit) is reviewing opportunities for additional savings for Michigan drivers as Senate-passed bills to bolster reimbursement rates for those caring for survivors of catastrophic car wrecks sit in a House committee, a spokesperson said Monday.
Why Are Michigan's Car Insurance Rates Still So High?
11/17/23 04:27 PM - Comment(s)
Projected reimbursement costs for care following a catastrophic car accident could still be contributing to auto insurers charging higher premiums, says one national insurance industry researcher.
Insurance Alliance Says Bills Could Add $1.2B In Yearly Costs
10/13/23 12:39 PM - Comment(s)
Executive Director Erin McDonough of the Insurance Alliance of Michigan says drivers purchasing unlimited personal injury protection (PIP) coverage could see a $200 to $300 increase, at least, under legislation reforming Michigan's 2019 auto law.
Supremes: No-Fault Reforms Don't Apply Retroactively
08/01/23 12:18 PM - Comment(s)
Michigan's 2019 no-fault auto insurance reforms do not apply retroactively, the Michigan Supreme Court held Monday meaning the cost-cutting restraints put in the law do not apply to those catastrophically injured before 2019.
MCCA To Assess New $48 Fee On Drivers Beginning July 2023
09/30/22 09:35 AM - Comment(s)
Michigan drivers will pay back $48 of the $400-per-vehicle refund issued earlier this year after the Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association announced it is changing an assessment because of an anticipated deficit.
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