MIRS Articles Of Note

BOE: Sen. Johnson's Non-Citizens Question Based On 'Misconceptions' 

11/21/24 12:39 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
BOE: Sen. Johnson's Non-Citizens Question Based On 'Misconceptions' 
Bureau of Elections Director Jonathan Brater said in a letter that Sen. Ruth Johnson (R-Holly) had “misconceptions” regarding a question she had about non-citizens registered to vote based on numbers from a verification system.

History Says Gilchrist Runs For Governor But Don't Assume 

11/20/24 01:07 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
History Says Gilchrist Runs For Governor But Don't Assume 
Will Gov. Garlin Gilchrist II run for governor in 2026? If he doesn't, he'll be the first lieutenant governor since Luren Dickinson in 1930 to not seek the top post after the governor he served under didn't run again, either due to term limits or for a personal reason.

Frisbie's 58-Vote Win Certified 

11/20/24 01:03 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Frisbie's 58-Vote Win Certified 
he Calhoun County Board of Canvassers officially certified on Monday the election results showing Republican Steve Frisbie won House District 44 by 58 votes over Rep. Jim Haadsma (D-Battle Creek).

Sex Ed Updates Move Away From Morality To Science-Based Facts 

11/19/24 12:55 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Sex Ed Updates Move Away From Morality To Science-Based Facts 
Sex education in public schools would move away from the "no-sex-before-marriage" morality message to one stressing medical realities, affirmative consent and inclusiveness of those of different sexual orientations and identities, under bills introduced last week.

AG Responds To Oxford Parents Criticism, Oakland Prosecutor's Memo 

11/19/24 12:50 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
AG Responds To Oxford Parents Criticism, Oakland Prosecutor's Memo 
In a rare move, Oakland County's prosecutor authored a legal opinion saying Attorney General Dana Nessel can investigate the Oxford school employees' response to a fatal 2021 mass shooting – without invitation from the prosecutor.