MIRS Articles Of Note

Gov Proposes Road Usage Charge Pilot, 43% Of Residents First Feel Negative On Miles-Driven Fees 

02/10/25 02:53 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Gov Proposes Road Usage Charge Pilot, 43% Of Residents First Feel Negative On Miles-Driven Fees 
Forty-three percent of Michiganders had negative feelings toward replacing the state's gas tax with a road usage charge (RUC) when first asked about the idea by the state's transportation department.

Revolving Door, Two-Thirds Support In Lame Duck Looks To Move 

02/07/25 01:06 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Revolving Door, Two-Thirds Support In Lame Duck Looks To Move 
A well-traveled ethics proposal that puts a stick in the revolving door between legislating and lobbying was brought back on Thursday by Rep. Mark Tisdel (R-Rochester) and appears to be set to move in the House.

Duggan, Schor Address Future Of Hybrid Work Policies For State Government 

02/07/25 12:36 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Duggan, Schor Address Future Of Hybrid Work Policies For State Government 
More than a year has passed since a Detroit Free Press editorial piece called Lansing a “sad little town,” advocating for the state capital to be moved back to Detroit.

Senate, House Differ On Size Of 'Small Business' 

02/06/25 01:21 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Senate, House Differ On Size Of 'Small Business' 
The Senate Regulatory Affairs Committee heard testimony on SB 15 , the Senate's earned sick leave bill Wednesday only a week after Rep. John Roth (R-Interlochen) asked Senate Majority Leader Winnie Brinks (D-Grand Rapids) to preserve the House’s tipped credit and sick leave mandates.

Around 1,000 Protest Trump In Lansing As Part Of 50-State Protest 

02/06/25 01:17 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Around 1,000 Protest Trump In Lansing As Part Of 50-State Protest 
An organic gathering of roughly 1,000 people crowded around the Capitol steps Wednesday to publicly reject President Donald Trump, his slew of executive orders, tariffs and verbal proclamations.