Revolving Door, Two-Thirds Support In Lame Duck Looks To Move 

02/07/25 01:06 PM - By Team MIRS

(Source:, Published 02/06/2025) A well-traveled ethics proposal that puts a stick in the revolving door between legislating and lobbying was brought back on Thursday by Rep. Mark Tisdel (R-Rochester) and appears to be set to move in the House. 

HB 4062 requires a lawmaker to wait two years after leaving office to become a lobbyist. The policy is on top of Rep. David Martin (R-Davison)'s HB 4063 , which creates the same two-year cooling-off period for department directors. 

A third proposal from Rep. Jerry Neyer (R-Shepherd), HB 4064 prohibits a lawmaker from being a lobbyist in another state while serving in the Legislature, a subject that came up with former Rep. Rebekah Warren in 2020. 

The bills were all referred to the House Government Operations Committee, but they could all be moving soon, according to House Speaker Matt Hall (R-Richland Township) as part of what has become his weekly press conference. 

Hall referenced the Tisdel bill as being part of something he called the Hall Ethics Accountability and Transparency (HEAT). 

“We're bringing this HEAT to Lansing," he cracked. 

The Speaker also said he'd like to see a measure that requires two-thirds support from the Legislature in order for public policy to move during lame duck. He also spoke about banning legislators from signing non-disclosure agreements. 

While not committing to moving a bill expanding the Freedom of Information Act to legislators and the Governor's office, Hall said he is supportive of the aforementioned ideas. 

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