Blog categorized as Infrastructure

Housing Considerations Required In Zoning Under Bill 

05/17/24 02:05 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Housing Considerations Required In Zoning Under Bill 
Planning committees and master plans would be required to consider housing needs under an amended version of the Michigan Planning Enabling Act brought forth by Rep. Kristian C. Grant (D-Grand Rapids).

Consumers Puts In Power Traffic Cops, Buries Lines, Installs Iron Poles To Harden Grid 

05/14/24 12:52 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Consumers Puts In Power Traffic Cops, Buries Lines, Installs Iron Poles To Harden Grid 
Consumers Energy officials said Monday the company is installing devices on the Michigan grid that would act like traffic cops with power to be able to isolate outages into a smaller area and keep the power on for more people.

Michigan's Pavement Quality Ranks Low 

04/15/24 10:46 AM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Michigan's Pavement Quality Ranks Low 
Michigan ranks 40th nationally, and 10th in an 11-state peer group, on its overall pavement quality across the state

Should Aggregate Mine Permitting Follow Wind, Solar Change? 

11/27/23 10:31 AM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Should Aggregate Mine Permitting Follow Wind, Solar Change? 
Michigan Aggregates Association officials say it will be "impossible" for Michigan to meet the state's new clean energy standards if the permitting of aggregate mines isn’t shifted from local governments to the state.

12 Tribes, MDOT Collaborate On Roads, More 

11/16/23 10:50 AM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
12 Tribes, MDOT Collaborate On Roads, More 
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer created tribal liaisons in an executive directive in 2019 and the Michigan Department of Transportation has kept the aligned board abreast of those activities since.