Blog categorized as Elections

MacDonell Recall Petition Only 1 Of 6 To Move, Brewer Vows Appeal

08/22/23 03:41 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
MacDonell Recall Petition Only 1 Of 6 To Move, Brewer Vows Appeal
The wording on the recall petition against Rep. Sharon MacDonell (D-Troy) was ruled Monday by the State Board of Canvassers to be clear enough to begin circulation efforts.

Clerks Anxious Over Presidential Primary Uncertainty 

08/17/23 01:20 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Clerks Anxious Over Presidential Primary Uncertainty 
Local election officials met Wednesday with the Bureau of Elections on the status of Michigan's 2024 presidential primary, but the hard reality is that nobody knows what to say.

DePerno ‘Frequently’ Present For Voting Machine ‘Tests’ 

08/14/23 12:38 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
DePerno ‘Frequently’ Present For Voting Machine ‘Tests’ 
Attorney Matthew DePERNO was “frequently” inside Oakland County hotel rooms where tests on tabulators occurred after the 2020 presidential election, The Detroit News reported Friday.

Rogers Nearing U.S. Senate Announcement 

08/03/23 02:56 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Rogers Nearing U.S. Senate Announcement 
During an Off the Record appearance last March, former U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers sent signals that he was focused on running for the Republican presidential nomination.

Republicans, Not Democrats, Seeking To Take Out Cavitt 

08/03/23 02:48 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Republicans, Not Democrats, Seeking To Take Out Cavitt 
The lone state representative who had recall language against him approved on Tuesday said in a statement that the attempt to unseat him is a “partisan tactic to divert our attention from harmful policies coming out of Lansing, such as the recently signed budget.”