Blog tagged as Public Safety

Smile! You May Soon Be On A Construction Zone Camera

03/23/23 05:32 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Smile! You May Soon Be On A Construction Zone Camera
A bill package allowing for the installation of automatic traffic enforcement devices in work zones received testimony in the House Regulatory Reform Committee, where bill sponsor Rep. Will Snyder (D-Muskegon) said the legislation would limit construction worker fatalities.

Counties Prefer Funding Be Less Restricted

03/16/23 12:56 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Counties Prefer Funding Be Less Restricted
Deena Bosworth of the Michigan Association of Counties says although her organization appreciates the Governor's proposal to dedicate $19.6 million to local governments for public safety revenue sharing she'd prefer that additional money go into revenue sharing dollars that locals can use as needed.

MSU Trustee Balanced Shooting Aftermath As Chair, Parent

02/17/23 11:49 AM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
(Source:, Published 02/16/2023) During a Thursday morning briefing with police, newly elected Michigan State University Board Chair Rema Vassar shared her dual experience as both a trustee and mother of a Spartan.

Violence Intervention, Waiting Periods Are Other Gun Safety Options

02/15/23 09:47 AM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Violence Intervention, Waiting Periods Are Other Gun Safety Options
Finding more money for community violence intervention (CVI) programs and lengthening waiting periods for firearm purchases are among the new policy proposals being suggested to reduce firearm violence in Michigan.

Dems Prep Gun Safety Bills After MSU Shooting

02/15/23 09:47 AM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Dems Prep Gun Safety Bills After MSU Shooting
Finding more money for community violence intervention (CVI) programs and lengthening waiting periods for firearm purchases are among the new policy proposals being suggested to reduce firearm violence in Michigan.