Blog tagged as Public Safety
Nesbitt Wants $8M To Deploy National Guard To Texas To Assist Gov. Abbott, Not Feds
05/10/24 12:58 PM - Comment(s)
Senate Minority Leader Aric Nesbitt (R-Lawton) proposed spending $8 million Thursday to deploy Michigan National Guard members to the Mexico-United States border in Texas.
Election Year Has Leaders On Guard Against Hate Crimes
01/26/24 12:32 PM - Comment(s)
The number of hate crimes nationally tend to be higher during presidential cycles, with the vast majority of the hate crime being perpetrated by white supremacist and white nationalist groups, based on information shared at a Department of Civil Rights discussion Thursday.
Schor Wants More Local Gun Control Tools
11/20/23 03:52 PM - Comment(s)
In the wake of the shooting death of prominent Lansing Democratic activist Ted Lawson, Lansing’s City Council is ramping up conversations on what more can be done at the local level to push for more responsible gun ownership.
Report: 43% Of Tested MI Coastal Beaches Unsafe At Times
07/20/23 12:44 PM - Comment(s)
Out of Michigan's 209 coastal beaches that were reportedly inspected for "fecal indicator bacteria" last year, 43% were possibly unsafe for swimming on at least one testing day, research shows.
Buckle Up; House Dems Want To Standardize Car Seat Rules
05/09/23 08:58 AM - Comment(s)
Legislation updating statewide car seat standards and age requirements, which proponents say should ease confusion for parents, was re-introduced today by several House Democrats.
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