Blog tagged as Law Enforcement

Chatfield Investigation Now In Hands Of Attorney General

09/23/22 09:39 AM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Chatfield Investigation Now In Hands Of Attorney General
The Michigan State Police questioned "the oddity" of documentation kept by former House Speaker Lee Chatfield's family's school and found the former Speaker deleted text messages on his phone.

Special Prosecutor Orders Additional Investigation In Election Case

09/22/22 09:55 AM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Special Prosecutor Orders Additional Investigation In Election Case
Muskegon County's prosecutor, who is tasked with reviewing potential criminal charges related to efforts to undermine the 2020 election, said today he needs "additional investigative work."

GR's Fingerprinting Policy Ruled Unconstitutional

07/25/22 06:38 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
GR's Fingerprinting Policy Ruled Unconstitutional

(Source:, Published 07/22/2022) The Grand Rapids Police Department's policy to photograph and fingerprint suspicious people not charged with a crime is an unconstitutional violation of a person's Fourth Amendment rights, the Michigan Supreme Court ruled Friday in a unanimous decision.


AG: It Would Be 'Difficult' To Remove Kelley If Elected Gov, 'Even If Convicted'

06/15/22 11:09 AM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
AG: It Would Be 'Difficult' To Remove Kelley If Elected Gov, 'Even If Convicted'
Attorney General Dana Nessel said it is "shocking and yet unsurprising all at the same time" that Republican gubernatorial candidate Ryan Kelley's recent arrest may help build his coffers.

Bureau Of Elections Looking Into Recommending Criminal Charges

05/25/22 09:16 AM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Bureau Of Elections Looking Into Recommending Criminal Charges
Bureau of Elections staff are now putting together recommendations to the Attorney General on potential criminal charges against the three dozen circulators who appear to have forged names of the dead and unknown living voters onto candidates’ petitions.