Blog tagged as Environment
Revamped Solar Siting Bills Sent To Senate Floor
11/08/23 12:46 PM - Comment(s)
Bills HB 5120 and HB 5121, which would allow the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) to certify large-scale wind, solar and energy storage developments – and simultaneously barring local governments from regulating developments stricter than state standards – moved to the Senate floor Tuesday.
Senate Dems OK With Preexisting Municipal Incinerators
10/31/23 03:15 PM - Comment(s)
Facilities turning municipal trash into energy, like locally-run trash incinerators, would be permitted under Senate Democrats' "clean energy" legislation if they're operating ahead of the bills' effective date.
100% 'Clean Energy' By 2040 Passes Senate
10/27/23 02:52 PM - Comment(s)
Electric companies need to run 100% on "clean energy" – which includes nuclear power and methane digesters controlling organic waste decomposition – by 2040 under an expansive energy reform package driven by Senate Democrats.
Polluter Pay Bills Introduced In Both Chambers
10/26/23 02:35 PM - Comment(s)
(Source:, Published 10/25/2023) Sandy Wynn-Stelt, co-chair of the Great Lakes PFAS Action Network, said her story in environmental advocacy began in 2016, when her husband, Joel, passed away from liver cancer.
"It was the following year I learned he had been drinking ...
Senate Dems Move 100% Clean Date To 2040 In New Proposal
09/15/23 12:16 PM - Comment(s)
Senate Democrats are changing their "Clean Energy Future Plan" to have utilities develop a "100% clean energy standard" by 2040 instead of the 2035 deadline that was originally proposed.
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