Blog tagged as Elections

Future of MIGOP Depends On Who You Ask

02/22/23 11:31 AM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Future of MIGOP Depends On Who You Ask
(Source:, Published 02/21/2023) On the Tuesday morning following the spring Republican Convention, the party’s Lansing office was all but abandoned, with a single car in the parking lot and no one answering the buzzer.

Attorney: Gov Can View Income Tax Trigger As Unconstitutional

02/07/23 03:59 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Attorney: Gov Can View Income Tax Trigger As Unconstitutional
Steve Liedel, chief legal counsel to former Gov. Jennifer Granholm, believes the mechanism used to determine a possible income tax rollback "likely violates Michigan's constitution," and could provide grounds for the current governor not to comply.

Possible $1M Fine Against Senate D's Hinges On Legal Definition

02/06/23 03:14 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Possible $1M Fine Against Senate D's Hinges On Legal Definition
The Senate Democratic Fund could face a $1 million fine if the Bureau of Elections finds it improperly shielded a last-minute loan from campaign finance reports.

SOS Wants Election Funding, Flexibility, & Security First

02/02/23 04:00 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
SOS Wants Election Funding, Flexibility, & Security First
The Secretary of State's office estimates state and local election operations will need up to $45 million to implement the voting reforms baked into Proposal 2 of 2022.

Clerks Suggest 7 Reforms Post-Proposal 2

01/26/23 12:12 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
(Source:, Published 01/24/2023) Nine days of early voting is coming to Michigan with passage of Proposal 2 and local clerks are asking legislators to do some legislative clean up to make the process run as smoothly as possible.