Blog tagged as Education

House Passes Collective Bargaining Blast From The Past

06/21/23 11:40 AM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
House Passes Collective Bargaining Blast From The Past
Seniority would play a role in deciding which classes K-12 instructors can teach, while discipline would become a subject of collective bargaining under legislation that passed the House Tuesday afternoon on a strictly party-line vote.

Should Student Athletes Be Under Collective Bargaining Blanket?

06/16/23 10:55 AM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Should Student Athletes Be Under Collective Bargaining Blanket?
Rep. Carrie A. Rheingans (D-Ann Arbor) said she plans to keep fighting to include student athletes in collective bargaining with her legislation, after Sen. Jeff Irwin (D-Ann Arbor) removed the same provision from his version of the legislation to restore unionization rights to student employees.

'School Safety' Takes Centerstage During Debate Over Record PreK-12 Budget

05/12/23 01:47 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
'School Safety' Takes Centerstage During Debate Over Record PreK-12 Budget
Senate Republicans Thursday proposed niche funding pots for school safety while offering a total of 28 failed amendments to Democrats' PreK-12 budget recommendation, to which Senate Appropriations Chair Sarah Anthony (D-Lansing) said "talk is cheap."

Senate OKs Dropping A-F School Grading System

05/04/23 02:34 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Senate OKs Dropping A-F School Grading System
Legislation wiping out Michigan's A-F school quality ranking system was approved in the Senate Wednesday by a party-line vote, 20-18

$20.76B K-12 Budget Called 'Bold, Forward Thinking' 

04/27/23 12:44 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
$20.76B K-12 Budget Called 'Bold, Forward Thinking' 
Schools would receive at least $9,700 per pupil, 4-year-old preschool could be paid from the traditional K-12 foundation allowance, and universal free lunch and breakfast would start at the beginning of the 2023-24 school year, under a School Aid Fund budget .