Blog tagged as Education

'School Safety' Takes Centerstage During Debate Over Record PreK-12 Budget

05/12/23 01:47 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
'School Safety' Takes Centerstage During Debate Over Record PreK-12 Budget
Senate Republicans Thursday proposed niche funding pots for school safety while offering a total of 28 failed amendments to Democrats' PreK-12 budget recommendation, to which Senate Appropriations Chair Sarah Anthony (D-Lansing) said "talk is cheap."

Senate OKs Dropping A-F School Grading System

05/04/23 02:34 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Senate OKs Dropping A-F School Grading System
Legislation wiping out Michigan's A-F school quality ranking system was approved in the Senate Wednesday by a party-line vote, 20-18

$20.76B K-12 Budget Called 'Bold, Forward Thinking' 

04/27/23 12:44 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
$20.76B K-12 Budget Called 'Bold, Forward Thinking' 
Schools would receive at least $9,700 per pupil, 4-year-old preschool could be paid from the traditional K-12 foundation allowance, and universal free lunch and breakfast would start at the beginning of the 2023-24 school year, under a School Aid Fund budget .

Senate OKs Mandating Schools, Child Care Centers To Convert To Filtered Drinking Water

04/21/23 10:28 AM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Senate OKs Mandating Schools, Child Care Centers To Convert To Filtered Drinking Water
Within the next two years, schools and childcare centers throughout Michigan will need to convert to filtered faucets or filtered bottle-filling stations for drinking water, under legislation approved in the Senate Thursday.

Why The Loss Of 6,000 Kids In K-12?

04/14/23 09:55 AM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Why The Loss Of 6,000 Kids In K-12?
As Marvin Gaye And The 4 Non Blondes Used To Sing, "What's Goin' On?" How Is It That Michigan Schools Are Seeing About 6,000 Fewer K-12 Students This Year Than Last Year?