MIRS Articles Of Note
Rs Don't Get Bills On Agenda; Caucus Votes No On Wozniak Bill
02/07/24 04:24 PM - Comment(s)
The latest episode in the saga that is the 54-54 split House had the majority of the House Republican caucus voting no on one of their own members’ bills, after House Democrats did not put eight Republican-requested bills on the agenda.
MRP's Federal Account Is Typically Sitting At $1M; Now It's Barely Staying Afloat
02/06/24 04:49 PM - Comment(s)
The Michigan Republican Party's (MRP) federal account – once a fund used to support federal races featuring Michigan candidates with campaign-related expenditures -- is now being used to cover day-to-day party expenses
Most Cabinet, Division Heads Make More Than The Governor
02/06/24 04:40 PM - Comment(s)
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer makes $159,300 per year and 262 state employees make more, along with 16 of the 19 department heads. Many department directors make even more than their boss, according to records obtained by MIRS through the Freedom of Information Act.
Gov. Wants $670M In MPSERS Payments For Education
02/05/24 11:44 AM - Comment(s)
While projecting the state's retiree healthcare system for teachers to be 100 percent funded in its next valuation, Gretchen Whitmer wants to redirect $670 million in otherwise additional public school retirement debt payments to other K-12 priorities for Fiscal Year (FY) 2025.
Govs Prevailing Wage Policy Holds Up In Court
02/05/24 11:34 AM - Comment(s)
The Governor’s directive that prohibited the state from contracting with companies that don’t pay their workers union rates stands after a ruling from the Michigan Court of Appeals, that said the issue wasn't moot despite the Legislature reinstating prevailing wage.
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