MIRS Articles Of Note

Primary Sees More Than $1.04B In Local Tax Proposals

02/26/24 11:26 AM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Primary Sees More Than $1.04B In Local Tax Proposals
It won’t be just voting to see a rematch of President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump on Feb. 27. Voters in most Michigan counties will also be considering a combined $1.04 billion in local millage, bond and other tax issues.

Wegela Zaps Electric Utilities With Campaign Contribution Ban

02/23/24 09:54 AM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Wegela Zaps Electric Utilities With Campaign Contribution Ban
Rep. Dylan Wegela (D-Garden City) Thursday announced the introduction of a two-bill package prohibiting regulated electric or natural gas utilities and their affiliated political action committees (PACs) from making donations to dark money vehicles like 501(c)4s or 527s.

GOP Senators Introduce Bills Banning 'Sanctuary Cities,' Raising Fentanyl Penalties

02/23/24 09:33 AM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
GOP Senators Introduce Bills Banning 'Sanctuary Cities,' Raising Fentanyl Penalties
Senate Republicans have introduced "The Strong Borders, Safe Communities" plan, aiming to raise penalties for fentanyl manufacturing and possession, and to prohibit municipalities in Michigan from declaring themselves as "sanctuary cities" for undocumented immigrants.

DNR Wants $1.6M To Modernize Records, Communication System

02/22/24 04:58 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
DNR Wants $1.6M To Modernize Records, Communication System
The communications and records management system used by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) conservation officers would see a $1.58 million upgrade under the Governor's proposed DNR $542.8 million budget.

Hoekstra Calls MRP Convention For Grand Rapids; Dueling Conventions Likely

02/22/24 04:05 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Hoekstra Calls MRP Convention For Grand Rapids; Dueling Conventions Likely
The Michigan Republican Party chair recognized by the Republican National Committee (RNC) and the likely presidential nominee, Donald Trump, is calling a March 2 convention in Grand Rapids to figure out who will represent Michigan in Milwaukee from July 15-18.