MIRS Articles Of Note

Is House Energy Panel Stuck In Groundhog Day? 

05/23/24 01:46 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Is House Energy Panel Stuck In Groundhog Day? 
The House Energy, Communications and Technology Committee seemed to experience a “Groundhog Day” phenomenon, Rep. Jaime Greene (R-Richmond) said Wednesday during a line of questioning between herself and Chair Helena Scott (D-Detroit).

House Passes New Charter School Regulations 

05/23/24 01:42 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
House Passes New Charter School Regulations 
House Democrats Wednesday signed off on two bill packages requiring public school academies (PSA), also known as charter schools, to post employee salary information online and share authorizer information on their signage and advertising.

Whitmer's $5K Caregiver Tax Credit Idea Comes Back 

05/23/24 01:39 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Whitmer's $5K Caregiver Tax Credit Idea Comes Back 
Remember Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s $5,000 caregiver tax credit idea she brought up in her State of the State address and during her budget presentation?

He Returns From Active Duty, Tears Down Half Of His House For Something To Do 

05/23/24 01:37 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
He Returns From Active Duty, Tears Down Half Of His House For Something To Do 
An Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention would be established within the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs to help veterans navigate behavioral health challenges like Rep. William Bruck (R-Erie) described in testimony under HB 5276.

Ford Could Get 50% Higher Profits Without EV Division 

05/20/24 03:27 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Ford Could Get 50% Higher Profits Without EV Division 
At least one of the Big Three automakers is spinning its tires when trying to navigate electric vehicle profitability. It was reported during a Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference (CREC) presentation Friday that Ford’s “Model e” division loses approximately $28,000 on every unit sold.