MIRS Articles Of Note

Blanchard On Passing Of President Carter

01/03/25 03:05 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Blanchard On Passing Of President Carter
Former Gov. James Blanchard was in Congress from 1975 through 1982, watching from a front-row seat when President Jimmy Carter came in and took over the White House in the late 70s.

Viviano Retires From MI Supreme Court

01/02/25 12:08 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Viviano Retires From MI Supreme Court
Justice David Viviano's time on the Michigan Supreme Court is winding down to an end as the Justice plans on transitioning back into the private sector.

In The House Brabec Most Liberal, Maddock Most Conservative

01/02/25 12:02 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
In The House Brabec Most Liberal, Maddock Most Conservative
Rep. Felicia Brabec (D-Ann Arbor) scored a perfect 100 percent liberal voting record, edging nine of her Democratic colleagues,

Supremes Hold Multiple Convictions For Same Offense Violated Double Jeopardy

12/30/24 02:56 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Supremes Hold Multiple Convictions For Same Offense Violated Double Jeopardy
A Davison Township man’s multiple convictions and sentences for a single fatal crash violate double jeopardy, the Michigan Supreme Court held Thursday.

The Bills Senators Had To Grieve After House Fiasco

12/30/24 02:48 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
The Bills Senators Had To Grieve After House Fiasco
Just a week ago, the Senate wrapped up an over 28-hour session to pass House bills and advance them to the governor, knowing the legislation they'd worked on, which was sitting in the House, wouldn’t see any more movement.