Blog categorized as Environment

Line 5 Pipeline Gets MPSC's Blessing 

12/04/23 04:37 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Line 5 Pipeline Gets MPSC's Blessing 
The Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) approved on Friday a plan by Enbridge to replace the segment of the Line 5 pipeline crossing the Straits of Mackinac with a concrete tunnel, on the condition that the replacement will undergo additional safety testing and standards.

15% Of Legislators Go Hunting To Start Sine Die 

11/21/23 01:18 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
15% Of Legislators Go Hunting To Start Sine Die 
Since the Legislature adjourned for the year before Nov. 11, 21 legislators had plenty of time for the opening day of firearm deer hunting season on Nov. 15 to fill the freezer with venison.

Revamped Solar Siting Bills Sent To Senate Floor 

11/08/23 12:46 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Revamped Solar Siting Bills Sent To Senate Floor 
Bills HB 5120 and HB 5121, which would allow the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) to certify large-scale wind, solar and energy storage developments – and simultaneously barring local governments from regulating developments stricter than state standards – moved to the Senate floor Tuesday.

Polluter Pay Bills Introduced In Both Chambers 

10/26/23 02:35 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Polluter Pay Bills Introduced In Both Chambers 

(Source:, Published 10/25/2023) Sandy Wynn-Stelt, co-chair of the Great Lakes PFAS Action Network, said her story in environmental advocacy began in 2016, when her husband, Joel, passed away from liver cancer.  


"It was the following year I learned he had been drinking ...

Panel Passes 100 Percent 'Clean Energy' Standard By 2040 

10/26/23 01:19 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Panel Passes 100 Percent 'Clean Energy' Standard By 2040 
The Senate Energy and Environment Committee voted out legislation Wednesday instructing utility providers in Michigan to run on 100 percent "clean energy" by 2040, permitting the use of nuclear energy and natural gas plants using carbon capture technology.