Blog categorized as Economy

Economists Struggling To Get Clear Picture Of Economy

05/22/23 02:23 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Economists Struggling To Get Clear Picture Of Economy
Ask anyone on the street how they view the economy, and you’re likely to hear answers riddled with uncertainty.

Unemployment Hits 3.8%, Matches Pre-Pandemic Levels 

05/19/23 01:10 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Unemployment Hits 3.8%, Matches Pre-Pandemic Levels 
Michigan's unemployment rate reached 3.8% in April, matching the jobless rate of February 2020, the month before the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the Department of Technology, Management and Budget.

Witwer: We Need More, Not Less SOAR Fund Spending

05/16/23 11:05 AM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Witwer: We Need More, Not Less SOAR Fund Spending
As House and Senate Democrats began preliminary discussions today on working through their different 2024 budget plans, the chair of the House Appropriations Committee advocated on MIRS Monday for more money for economic incentives

Women Slowly Closing Salary Gap With Men - 18.5% Gap Remains

04/07/23 02:24 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Women Slowly Closing Salary Gap With Men - 18.5% Gap Remains
A new study reveals that full-time female employees in the Lansing metro market are earning more than their counterparts across the country, but the wage gap between the genders is still 18.5%.

Line 5 Shutdown Could Mean No Michigan-Made Insulin

04/05/23 09:57 AM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Line 5 Shutdown Could Mean No Michigan-Made Insulin
In a Diabetes Alert Day press release last week, Enbridge, operator of the Line 5 pipeline, highlighted the necessity for light oil and natural gas to manufacture medications, exercise equipment, blood sugar meters, injection pens and insulin pumps used by those diagnosed with diabetes.