Blog categorized as Budget

MITA Pushes For Sustainable Road Funding By Year's End As County Roads Crumble

10/02/24 11:12 AM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
MITA Pushes For Sustainable Road Funding By Year's End As County Roads Crumble
The Michigan Infrastructure and Transportation Association (MITA) is making a new push to get lawmakers to a $3.9 billion annual road funding shortfall by year's end as a new County Roads Association (CRAM) report points to crumbling concrete.

Dow Asks Senate Appropriations For $120M SOAR Grant

09/30/24 02:27 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Dow Asks Senate Appropriations For $120M SOAR Grant
The Senate Appropriations Committee is considering giving Dow Chemical $120 million in Strategic Outreach and Attraction Reserve (SOAR) Fund money so it can update its R&D, expand its silicon manufacturing and update the infrastructure at its Michigan Operations Industrial Park in Midland.

Dems Find $125M More For School Safety & Mental Health; Senate R's Deny I.E.

09/26/24 12:08 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Dems Find $125M More For School Safety & Mental Health; Senate R's Deny I.E.
Legislative Democrats are using $125 million leftover from an old 2022 cost sharing program for one-time mental health and public safety grants to school districts

$305M In Supplemental Funding For School Safety And Mental Health Proposed By House R's

09/10/24 01:58 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
$305M In Supplemental Funding For School Safety And Mental Health Proposed By House R's
A $305 million supplemental would replace cuts made in the fiscal year (FY) '25 budget for school safety and mental health as part of a bill package sponsored by Reps. Nancy DeBoer (R-Holland) and Jaime Greene (R-Richmond).

Less Revenue, Slowing Economy Among States' Top Fiscal Concerns

08/22/24 03:27 PM - By Team MIRS - Comment(s)
Less Revenue, Slowing Economy Among States' Top Fiscal Concerns
While declining revenues, a slowing economy, demographic changes and structural deficits may be among the top fiscal issues for states