Michigan Information & Research Service Inc.
Michigan Information & Research Service Inc.

Michigan AFL-CIO Lansing Staff Unionize Under Local Teamsters

05/04/23 02:42 PM By Team MIRS

(Source: MIRS.news, Published 05/03/23) The Teamsters Local 243 announced the union would be representing campaign, communication, and legislative staff from the Michigan AFL-CIO in Lansing.


The AFL-CIO granted voluntary recognition of the Local 243 as the bargaining representative of the workers, which Benjamin Orjada, a spokesperson for the workers, said they were extremely happy to see.


“This is going to be an evolving story over the next few months and it is possible it will not be an easy negotiation,” Orjada said.


Michigan AFL-CIO President Ron Bieber said staff at the union had been working extremely hard to help grow the unions power and the staff “played a big role in the historic victories” over the past few months.


“We believe all workers should enjoy the benefits of union membership and are in full support of this organizing effort, which expands the number of union represented workers at the Michigan AFL-CIO," Bieber said.


Bill Black, a business agent for the Teamsters Local 243, said they commend the AFL-CIO for voluntarily recognizing the staff’s move to the Teamsters and look forward to getting their first contract.


“As these workers know, the path to higher wages, better benefits, and a voice on the job requires a strong union contract – that’s why they joined the strongest union in America,” Black said.


Carly Rose Hammond, an organizing specialist at the Michigan AFL-CIO, said the workers are excited to have union representation with the Teamsters.


Hammond said the employees went to the union because they wanted democracy in the workplace.


“As workers in the labor movement, we know that getting a union contract will be the best thing we can do to ensure we have a voice on the job and strong workplace protections,” she said.