What happened with local tax and fee bills as the legislature wound down? Here’s a look.
Detroit Museums May Be Given Taxing Authority
The Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History and the Detroit Historical Society could receive taxpayer support through a special property tax millage in Wayne and Oakland counties, under legislation that passed the Senate shortly after 2:20 a.m., 20-18.
HB 4177, HB 5817 and HB 5818 come as both museums face financial struggles that require a permanent revenue stream, as was the case for the Detroit Zoo and the Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA) years ago when both were against the ropes financially.
Sen. Jim Runestad (R-White Lake) railed at Democrats for forcing Oakland County residents to pay more in taxes, particularly when the proceeds will be “funneled to Detroit vendors, political allies and special interests.” Several Republicans followed Runestad to the microphone. After that, Sen. Mallory McMorrow (D-Royal Oak) argued that Detroit and Oakland County won't survive as a region if it's not talking to its young people.
“This region has had a very ugly history, where we divide Detroit from Oakland County, where we make Detroit a slur, where Detroiters mean something dark and ugly,” she said. “All this legislation does is put it to the voters to decide.”
Johnson Gives Floor Poem About Tourism Marketing Funding For Detroit
Visit Detroit, a travel and convention bureau, would be able to levy a 2% to 3% charge on hotels or lodges that have at least 35 guest rooms under
HB 6166, which passed the Senate on a 23-15 vote.
The charge would help hotels and lodges pay for marketing.
Sen. Ruth Johnson (R-Holly) stood to explain her “no” vote, reading a poem that appeared to be written in the theme of “'Twas the Night Before Christmas,” saying she would continue to rise if proposals continue to suggest tax increases.
“Keep trying to raise taxes, keep trying to raise them more. I'll keep getting up and giving no vote explanations on the floor. Go ahead and double taxes on hotel rooms, if that's what you choose. But I know the longer we stay here, it is the people of Michigan who lose. Raising taxes throughout the day and night, will give all your constituents a terrible fright. But I guess that's just how lame duck goes, but as for me, I'm gonna keep voting no. And if a certain Governor wants to be president, I would stop passing bills pissing off residents," Johnson said in a sing-song tone.
Senate Passes Bill Exempting Land Banks From Highland Park Fees
The Senate passed 20-18 HB 4675, which would amend the Land Bank Fast Track Act to specify that property and income of a land bank authority is exempt from all taxes, special assessments and user fees levied by the state or a local government.
The bill, sponsored by Rep. Kristian C. Grant (D-Grand Rapids), is in response to conflicting court cases – City of Highland Park v. State Land Bank Authority and City of Highland Park v. Wayne County Land Bank Authority.
In the first case, the state appeals court ruled in 2022 that the state land bank fell under the Revenue Bond Act’s definition of a “public corporation” and was thus liable for reasonable costs of drainage and stormwater services and in the latter, the Wayne County Circuit Court held in March that the city’s stormwater charges are a tax and the land bank isn’t liable to pay them.
Companion HB 4679 also passed 20-18 on Thursday.