(Source: MIRS.news, Published 01/21/2025) A group of survivors and parents of Michigan State University (MSU) sexual assault survivors from the Larry Nassar days sent a letter to MSU's Office of Audit, Risk and Compliance that three MSU trustees allegedly violated the board's code of ethics, policies and bylaws.
POSSE wrote that Trustee Brianna Scott allegedly not only suggested that MSU employee Jack Lipton sue the university, but interacted alone with him as recently as Dec. 12, 2024. The group also flagged 10 other potential violations, including being the point person on getting two other MSU board members kicked off the board by the governor.
POSSE is also reporting that MSU Trustee Renee Knake Jefferson does not live in Michigan, but has homes in Houston and Austin, Texas, where her husband lives. Whether that is a disqualification for her to serve on the board is not clear. Three other allegations were put out against Jefferson, including that she may have claimed a double homestead on her property taxes and that she "bullied her fellow board members by telling them the governor would remove them if her report on former Interim President Teresa Woodruff became available.
A final code of ethics violation was sent against Kelly Tebay for conversing with Lipton and “regularly taking free athletic team flights despite the fact that the board is charged with general oversight of the university,” among other complaints.
The three trustees are the three still remaining on the board from last year when the MSU board voted to censure Trustees Dennis Denno and Rema Vassar for allegedly violating board rules.