(Source: MIRS.news, Published 12/23/2024) In a letter addressed to legislative leaders, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer argued leaders have "an incredible opportunity to do what Michiganders want us to do: continue growing Michigan's economy, creating jobs, and helping people build their lives here."
The letter comes at the close of the 102nd Legislature that saw House Democratic unity dissolve into infighting and back biting over agenda choices. Despite the muddled end of Democrats' trifecta of control for two years, Whitmer put a positive spin on legislative accomplishments in the 102nd.
"This year we proved again that we can work together to get results on the things that matter most to Michiganders. Our balanced, bipartisan budget lowered costs," she wrote. "It invested in job training programs, free breakfast and lunch for public school students, and the Michigan Guarantee so we can grow our economy and make our communities better places to live. We fought for students and educators, lowered costs for working families, cut red tape, repealed Michigan's antiquated ban on surrogacy and protected families formed by IVF."
Under the broad category of growing Michigan's economy, the governor urged lawmakers next session to pass "legislation that creates jobs, invests in housing and transportation infrastructure, and cuts even more red tape to make it easier for people to make their next big idea."
Her letter also urged lawmakers to:
Continue funding free student breakfasts and lunches, saving Michigan family money and time.
Continue putting money in the pockets of working families by continuing the working families tax credit expansion and retirement tax repeal and addressing water affordability.
Getting back to the negotiating table on infrastructure funding.
A copy of the letter can be downloaded by clicking here.